Kappa Alpha Order Welcome to the Gamma Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Order. We are established at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida. This site is a work in progress at this point so if you have any comments, complaints, or questions, email us at blink4ever@aol.com or edill3484@hotmail.com. If you would like tolearn more about Kappa Alpha and what we stand for visit our About KA section. The news section will fill you in on some of our current endeavors and updates about our chapter and our brothers. The alumni section is for our alumni brothers to get information on upcoming alumni events and to update their contact info so we can continue to keep in touch. If you are an alumni brother and are not sure whether your information is currently up to date, head over to the alumni section and drop us a line so you can get our newsletter. To learn more about the current brothers visit our brothers section. Our pledges can use our pledge section to keep track of their scheduled assignments and events.